09/23/2016 – John Snyder – Fishing The Skykomish
Opens a portion of the upper Skykomish for hatchery steelhead fishing
Action: Opens the portion of the Skykomish River from Gold Bar/Big Eddy access (Hwy. 2 Bridge) to confluence of the North and South Forks to fishing for trout (steelhead) and gamefish to sports fishing enthusiasts and steelhead fishing guides.
Effective dates and times: Sept. 24 through Oct. 31, 2016.
Species affected: Trout and gamefish.
Locations and rules:
Skykomish River (Snohomish Co.) (from Gold Bar/Big Eddy Access (Hwy. 2 Bridge) to confluence of North and South forks.
- Night closure all species.
- Anti-snagging rules apply.
- Fishing from any floating device prohibited from 1,000 feet downstream of Reiter Ponds outlet to 1,500 feet upstream of the ponds.
- Dolly Varden/Bull trout: Min. size 20 inches, may be retained as part of the trout daily limit.
- Other trout: Min. size 14 inches, daily limit 2.
- Other game fish, statewide minimum size/daily limit.
- Salmon: Release all salmon.
Reason for action: State and tribal managers have agreed that opening a fishery for hatchery steelhead and gamefish will not compromise conservation objectives for coho escapement.
Additional Information: If in-season updates indicate a harvestable surplus of Snohomish coho, additional fisheries will be considered.
Information contact: Mill Creek Regional Office (425) 775-1311.